I hope you all had a long, refreshing, and non-laborious weekend (see what I did there?). I was speaking to one of my British friends over the weekend who asked about Labor Day – you know, the basics like what it is and why Americans celebrate it. I immediately had to consult the internet to to come up with something rather than "ehh I'm not really too sure" other than the fact that most schools start the day after Labor Day and we don't wear white anymore. To not sound like such a moron, I read up on it and learned a little about why we have off that notorious Monday that marks the ending of summer. So I got to thinking, where did the whole 'no white after Labor Day' fashion myth come from? Well a) there are some practical reasons of white being a cooler fabric for warm summer months, and b) a more symbolic reason*. So where do you fall in this situation – do you even consider this rule to be relevant anymore? Who cares if it's the day after September 1st and you're wearing a white top? Apparently I do not since I wore a white dress today without even thinking twice. Here are some images I've gathered that are inspiring me to now consciously wear white for these last days of summer and into the coming fall and winter seasons.

*source: http://content.time.com/time/nation/article/0,8599,1920684,00.html
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