Den Haag or The Hague, in English, is in Holland, making it one of the 12 provinces of the Netherlands (I clarify because I personally had no idea what the distinction was until my visit). It's a very international city, in fact, the Nuclear Security Summit was held in The Hague just a few weeks back. My aunt Catherine lives there so before I decided to make a visit since I hadn't seen her in quite some time. I caught a really early flight out of Rome and was greeted with cappuccinos by the beach, making me one, somewhat tired, but still happy camper. My trip was an absolute pleasure and I wish I could have stayed for much longer.

After exploring a bit, we hopped on the tram to the small town of Delft to grab lunch and check out the open air market that takes place on Thursdays. I really enjoyed Delft and the crooked church was too funny!

This kibbeling (Dutch fried fish) was spectacular.

After exploring a bit, we hopped on the tram to the small town of Delft to grab lunch and check out the open air market that takes place on Thursdays. I really enjoyed Delft and the crooked church was too funny!
This kibbeling (Dutch fried fish) was spectacular.
After we got back to The Hague, I spent the rest of the afternoon at The Hague's main art museum, Gemmentemuseum.

Thank you so much Aunt Catherine for hosting me and showing me your lovely city. I definitely have a newly found love for Holland & The Hague!
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