Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Easy Entertaining

Having friends over for dinner can be very stressful, especially when you're the only one doing the prep work, cooking, and cleaning. But with a little help from my friends (how can you say that and not start humming The Beatles?), entertaining can be enjoyable and simple! Once you've nailed down your menu: drinks, appetizers, what you'll be having for dinner, and dessert, just take it one step at a time. My four tips to maintain sanity while having people over are: 1. It's all in the prep-work, so try and map out what you'll need to do first 2. Presentation is key, this is what I always remember anywhere I go, 3. Create an ambiance you want to relax and enjoy, while welcoming guests into your space, and 4. Have fun! You've worked your bum off, so don't worry about the mess you've made just quite yet!

It's all in the preparation: stay organized. Lay out your ingredients and make sure you don't forget about any recipes that might take longer than others.

Don't forget about presentation

Always have fresh flowers around the house when you're entertaining (and just in general!)

dinner is served! 

enjoy your company, food, and evening; worry about cleaning up once everyone has gone home.


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